Oocyte Freezing

Oocyte Freezing

Empowering Choices of Future Fertility

An increasing choice in the modern women in the current days, Oocyte freezing is a revolutionary method for preserving fertility, enabling women to store their eggs at the peak of their health for later use. Vizag IVF Centre provides complete support for oocyte freezing, guiding those looking to preserve their fertility and equipping them with cutting-edge technology so they may make informed decisions about their reproductive options.

A Run-Through Of Oocyte Freezing Procedure

Oocyte freezing, also known as egg freezing or oocyte cryopreservation, allows individuals the freedom and opportunity to pursue parenthood whenever it is right for them. Usually, it is done for women who wish to keep their fertility and have the option of getting pregnant later in life.
Enlisted below is a run-through of step-by-step oocyte freezing procedure:


The first step is to make an appointment with a fertility specialist or clinic. Your doctor will review your medical history, evaluate your ovarian reserve (the quantity and calibre of your eggs), and thoroughly explain the procedure during this appointment.

Ovarian Stimulation

Ovarian stimulation will be performed on you to enhance the number of eggs that are retrievable. This typically entails using hormonal drugs for 8–12 days, such as injections of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Instead of the typical solitary egg that matures during a regular menstrual cycle, these drugs stimulate the ovaries to create many mature eggs.


In order to track the growth and development of the ovarian follicles—fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries that house the eggs—transvaginal ultrasound imaging and blood tests are used.

Trigger Shot

You will receive a trigger shot when the follicles are ready, typically containing hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). The final maturation of the eggs inside the follicles is aided by this injection, which makes them ready for extraction.

Egg Retrieval

A trigger shot is fired roughly 34–36 hours before the egg retrieval operation. It is typically carried out under sedation or light anaesthesia to reduce pain. Each mature follicle in the ovaries is aspirated of its fluid and eggs by a physician using an ultrasound-guided needle. Usually, the treatment takes 20 to 30 minutes.

Laboratory Processing

The eggs are immediately transferred to the lab to be examined for quality and maturity after being extracted. The eggs are now vitrified, which is a method of cryopreservation. Through the process of vitrification, eggs are quickly cooled to extremely low temperatures while being protected from harm by ice crystals using cryoprotectant solutions.


After vitrification, the frozen eggs are kept in a cryogenic storage facility in specialist containers. To ensure the eggs’ viability, these facilities keep them at extremely low temperatures (usually below -150 degrees Celsius). The eggs can be stored for a long time, giving women access to them when they are ready to get pregnant.

Thawing and Fertilisation

When you decide to use your frozen eggs, they are thawed and ready for fertilisation. The cryoprotectants are taken off the eggs once they have been gently warmed. Then, depending on the unique conditions, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) or standard IVF is used to perform in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

Embryo Transfer

The resultant embryos are cultured, and their development is watched after fertilisation. Usually, one or more embryos are chosen for uterine transfer. A tiny catheter that is put through the cervix delivers the embryos to the uterus. This treatment is typically carried out without anaesthetic and under ultrasound guidance.

Pregnancy Test

Around 10-14 days after the embryo transfer, a blood test will be conducted to check if you are pregnant. If the test is positive, the pregnancy can continue naturally.

Contact Vizag for Oocyte Freezing

Consulting with a reproductive specialist is crucial for understanding the individualised chances of success. Success rates can vary depending on several factors, including the woman’s age at the time of egg freezing and the quality of the eggs retrieved. Contact Vizag IVF Centre for the safe preservation of your oocyte with top-notch facilities for future parenthood. Feel free to place a query 24/7 here on our website or visit our centres located in Visakhapatnam, Gajuwaka, Srikakulam, & Vizianagaram.

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